Are you in search of an IT job and your efforts don't bring any results?

  • Are you applying to jobs constantly, but you're not hearing back from the recruiters? Have you wondered why?
  • Are you curious why you didn't get any feedback after an interview?
  • Do you want to know what companies are looking for and how you can do better in order to achieve the job you wanted?

Then talk to us, we might be able to solve these mysteries 😊

We are doing 1:1 online consulting sessions and Q&A seminars where we can talk about these things and help you understand what you can better in order to get the job that you aspire to!
How can we help?

Why work with us?

We are saving your time!

Don't spend hours applying to dozens of jobs or attending unsuccessful interviews. Make sure your CV looks at its best and you are able to present the best version of yourself in the interviews you're invited to.

Personalized consulting. We help you point out your strengths!

We evaluate your skills, your attitude and your approach towards a hiring process. We help you define your strengths and highlight your authenticity, increasing the chances of having successful results and getting hired.

We support you in negotiating your offer!

This is a delicate topic to discuss in an interview process, but let's face it, it's one of the most important. Make sure you understand the value of your work and how much the market pays for your skills, so that you'll be able to successfully negotiate your offer.